UX design

In all my work I aim to make climate solutions more human-friendly. By combining methods and tools from social anthropology, psychology and UX design I gain insight into user's perspectives, challenges and needs, and help develop solutions that work optimally for the people they are supposed to work for. If we are to create any behavioral or system change, we need people to actually use the climate solutions we create. 

Being a social anthropologist my work is always culturally sensitive, takes people's context and circumstances seriously, and treats users with integrity. I have led a wide array of research and design projects over the last years, all concentrating on sustainable solutions for climate, environment and people. Below is a selection of some of these. 

 I emphasize the value of good research as the basis for any design solution and research is where I have been most active of late. If you would like to see some of my designs, please get in touch, I'll be happy to share them.